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Service providers under Section 5 Telemedia Act (TMG):

E. Reichert GmbH
Manageress Mrs. Elisabeth Reichert

Humboldtstraße 25b
D-76131 Karlsruhe

Phone:+49 (0)721 / 626 903-11
Fax:+49 (0)721 / 626 903-19

Commercial Register: District Court Karlsruhe, HRB 11108
Sales tax identification number: DE 814556146

Responsible for the content

Miss Elisabeth Reichert

Last update: 19.09.2008
Design & Development & Webmaster:

Disclaimer - content of the online offer

We assume no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against us based on damages physical or emotional nature, caused by the use or non-use of the information or through the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are generally excluded, unless we are intentional or gross negligence. All offers are non-binding. We have the right to alter, amend, delete, parts of the site or the entire site without prior notice or to stop the publication temporarily or permanently.

References and links

For direct or indirect links to other Internet sites ("links"), which are outside the responsibility of the author, would be a liability only in the case come into force, in which the author is aware of the content and make it technically possible and reasonable to prevent the use in case of illegal content. The author declares that at the time the link was set, no illegal content on the linked sites was detectable. On the current and future design, content or copyright of the linked pages, the author does not have any influence. Therefore, he distances himself from all contents linked pages that changed after the link was set. This rule applies to all links within his own webpages as for foreign links of all kind. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information, rests solely the provider of the site responsible and not the person who has set a link to this webpage.

Copyright and trademark law

We obey in all publications the copyright of images and texts use our own graphics and text or use liscence free graphics and text. The reproduction or use of graphics and text in other electronic or printed publications without the express consent of us will be punished.

Text References: Imprint)
A part text was taken over with the permission of the author RA Arne Trautmann.

Picture source of evidence:

Legal validity of this disclaimer

This disclaimer is part of the Internet offer, from which was linked to this page. If parts or individual formulations of this text are not, or no longer correct, the remaining parts of the document are untouched in their content and validity.

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